Short Nap Masterclass

Does your child take short naps? Is your child constantly tired and fighting to sleep? Say goodbye to interrupted naps, and hello to peaceful sleep


Your comprehensive guide to mastering and extending your child’s nap,
Backed by research and tested by parents like you, ensuring its effectiveness.


Welcome to Short Nap Masterclass.

Imagine that your child takes long and restorative naps during the day, which helps him sleep well at night. Imagine your child wakes up from their naps happy and rested, ready to explore the world in a good mood.

I know how you feel. It’s frustrating to spend more time trying to help your child sleep for naps than the time he takes sleeping. When I had my first son, it took me a long time to find a strategy to help him sleep better and longer during his naps and nighttime.

Now, after years of studying, working with sleep and helping hundreds of families around the world, I’m happy to share the solution for your child’s nap struggles.


Your child takes short<br />
20-30 minute naps

Your child takes short
20-30 minute naps;

Your child is cranky and<br />
overtired at bedtime

Your child is cranky and
overtired at bedtime;

Your child protest<br />
or skip naps

Your child protest
or skip naps;

You child is constantly tired and fight to sleep

You child is constantly tired
and fight to sleep.


“A friend referred me to Carla when my son was 2 months old. It was two weeks together. She’s holding our hand every day (it’s EVERY day!), and I can’t describe the evolution. Before the process, my son took 30min naps in my arms, slept in the crib in my room, and had a restless night with many awakenings. In the first week with Carla, my son took 1h30-2h naps, a well-established sleep routine, and a more peaceful night’s sleep, in his room and without a pacifier! Carla, I have no words to thank you. Not only for your advice and techniques but also for the human being in that daily call, worried about me, my family.”

Luana, Sydney, Austrália

« Carla has provided the guidance and tools needed to help our almost 2-year-old daughter sleep better. We believe she is sleeping better and getting more restful sleep as now she seems to wake up happier than she did before. We recommend Night Night Sleep Consulting if you want to help improve your child’s sleep and therefore improve your own sleep.”

Vera, San Diego, California

“My 10-week-old baby didn’t sleep in the crib and just wanted to be rocked. She didn’t even accept bed-sharing. It was body sharing! My nights were practically awake, and the days were spent with the baby in my arms all day. That was when a friend met Carla and gave me her contact. We started the consultancy, and with a customized sleep program for my daughter, we finally implemented a suitable routine for her development. Today Olivia sleeps in her crib and takes wonderful naps. Thank you, Carla, for the professionalism, patience, and affection you had with us during these two weeks of support.”

Marcela, Auckland, New Zealand


Happy mum

Take time to do whatever you want while your child takes long naps?

Happy sleeping baby

Knowing that your child will fall asleep quickly and on their own, reducing “wasted time” and tear in the process?

Rested baby

See your child wake up happy and rested from restorative naps, ready to explore the world around them with more patience and joy?

Short Nap Masterclass

Say goodbye to stressful and interrupted naps, and hello to peaceful and rejuvenating sleep for both you and your baby. Here you will find, in a consolidated and straightforward way, everything you need to know about solving your child’s short naps problem once and for all.

See below for all the details.



  1. Healthy sleep habits start at birth.
  2. Sleep foundations.
  3. Total sleep need per age.
  4. Is timing your issue?
  5. Recommended wake times.
  6. How a child’s sleep cycles work?
  7. How long should my child’s naps be?
  8. Why doesn’t my child like to nap?
  9. Should we have a nap routine?
  10. How do we teach them to connect sleep cycles?
  11. They won’t connect sleep cycles, now what do I do?
  12. Is it time for a nap transition?
  13. Nap FAQ’s.


  • Short Naps Masterclass eBook ($59)
  • Short Naps step-by-step Video ($99)
  • A Digital Sleep Tracker ($39)
  • Step-by-step Nap Transition Video ($ 99) – Bonus




As a mother of 2 young children, an expat, an entrepreneur, a psychologist, and an Adult Sleep and Child Sleep professional, I know how you feel, and I also value a good nap and night’s sleep.

My mission (and passion) is to help busy parents rediscover the joy of sleeping well, so you can have more energy, excitement, and engagement you desire to be fully present and happy in your life. 

I’m pleased to help parents and babies in Brazil, Portugal, England, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and worldwide, making family life better, harmonious, and happier.

Are you ready to get the sleep you need and deserve? I’m here to help!

A $ 296 VALUE ALL FOR $ 49

Short Nap Masterclass

Don’t waste more time using chopped solutions from Instagram and your neighbors,
trying to fix your child’s short naps, and solve this problem once and for all!

“What I really thought would be impossible to achieve, after 1 year and 7 months of sleepless nights, happened after 2 weeks with Carla! Carla helped us with an effective, firm, consistent, yet humanized method of teaching our daughter to sleep independently through the night. She gave us enough support and security to face the challenges of this change of routine. Always available to answer questions and understand our family’s situation. Carla’s confidence and knowledge helped me follow her advice with my eyes closed (a pediatrician mom!). I recommend her to friends and patients.”

Luiza, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In addition to purchasing the Short Naps Masterclass, you can take advantage of the EXCLUSIVE OFFER and get a diagnostic sleep assessment of your baby’s sleep with a 30-min Private Consultation to answer all your questions.