Pediatric and Adult Sleep Consulting

Do you want to sleep better and to feel full of energy? Or is baby not sleeping well? I’m here to help.

The Sleep Sense Program was featured in:


Have you hit a sleep speed bump? Is your child waking early and you don’t know why? A mini-session will get you back on track today!

Pediatric Sleep Coaching

Private Sleep Coaching Services for newborns, infants and toddlers. I work with families around the world to built good sleepers.

Adult Sleep Coaching

Poor sleep in adults can lead to us feeling depressed, overwhelmed, foggy and worn down. Let me help to reset your rest and have you wake refreshed.

I Know You Are Tired



If you answered yes to any of these questions, or the hundred’s more I could think of, then we need to chat. 

​As a specialist in pediatric and adult sleep, my job (and passion) is to help you rediscover the pleasure of sleeping well. Which means that you will have more energy, focus, patience, good mood, health, and feel rested, be fully present and happy in the life you dream of.

Hello! I’m Carla Picolli

Psychologist & Certified Sleep Consultant

I am Carla Picolli, a psychologist and internationally certified sleep consultant. Through my work as the founder of Night Night Sleep Consulting, I have had the pleasure of working with families around the world. Orignally from Brazil and now living in Australia, I have coached infants, toddlers, school-age children and adults, to solve their sleep struggles for good, using a method trusted by over 109,000 people since 2003.

“I have two daughters, a 6-year-old and a 3-year-old. For them to fall asleep, my husband or I had to lie down with them in bed and stay there until they fell asleep, then we could leave the room. But in case one of them woke up at night (which was quite common), she needed one of us in bed to get back to sleep. So I went back to her bed, or sometimes I let them stay in my bed and my nights were always nonrestorative. Despite enjoying being with them before bedtime, I felt that they needed to learn to sleep by themselves, even when they woke up in the middle of the night. That's when I met Carla. I felt a lot of confidence in her work and did exactly what she taught me and it worked out really well. Today my daughters go to bed early, alone, and sleep through the night and if they wake up, they go back to their bed and fall asleep again. Eternal gratitude to you, Carla, for all you have given us with your wonderful work.”

Amelia – Eva and Ana’s mom (6yo and 3yo). Maryland/USA.

“I always enjoyed the content Carla shared on her Instagram page and that's why we decided to have her support us in introducing good habits for our baby girl, who was 2 months old when we started the program. She used to have a very agitated sleep at night and very short naps during the day. With Carla's help, we could introduce a very healthy routine that made our baby very calm. She also learned how to sleep by herself and has good quality sleep now. Carla's approach is very good as she provides daily support and recommendations based on the daily progress. It was super helpful as we gained so much knowledge that we feel confident to support our baby and adjust her routine as she grows.”

Vanessa, Sophia’s mom (2 months old). Sydney/AU

“I have twins and until 6 months our life was upside down. The nights were scary with 2 babies crying. One morning, I was so tired and sleep deprived, I found an article written by Carla on the internet and contacted her. I say that it was God who made me go straight to her instead of so many other options. Anyway, we did Carla's program and in 4 days the miracle happened, the boys slept for 10-12h straight, without milk, without pacifier, without rocking, literally by themselves. Teaching them to be autonomous in their own sleep was certainly the greatest gift we could give them. Today they are 13 months old, and any change in sleep I call Carla and we solve it. I confess that I feel dependent on her kkkk, good dependency, lol! Success Carla, many families and little babies need you!!”

Angie – Samuel and Miguel’s mom (6 months old). São Paulo/BR

“I had the privilege of receiving Carla's help, which was of paramount importance to me, as I had been experiencing insomnia problems, where I woke up in the morning tired, irritated, and very sleepy during the day, using melatonin supplement. So, following Carla's guidelines, which are very enlightening by the way, in the first few days, I started to feel a noticeable improvement in the amount of hours I slept and the quality of my sleep. I want to emphasize that I started to sleep 7-8 hours at night, without nighttime awakenings and without the use of melatonin. It was an incredible advance, a watershed, as it gave me much more energy, tranquility, and concentration to carry out my daily tasks. Only gratitude for this important work that Carla performs, which is of fundamental importance for every human being, regardless of age. It is an investment that is very much worth making, as it is about taking care of our health, our well-being, and our quality of life so that we have a long and healthy life. I highly recommend it.”

Cleo (64 years old). Manaus/BR

“I recommend 100% Carla, the Sleep Consultant. She is friendly and competent in advising the client. I had all the necessary support to make my 10-month-old baby daughter sleep through the night, as well as taking the pacifier, sleeping in the new room and sleeping in the crib. I confess that I thought it would be almost impossible for Amelia to adapt to the new routine, but with Carla's help we managed to follow the plan and adapt. Today I manage to have time for myself and sleep all night, less than two weeks Amelia went from waking up to sleeping all night! Thanks Carla!”

Luciene, Amelia’s mom (10 months old). Auckland/NZ

"Carla was a lifesaver for our family. After many months of trying to cope with a baby that couldn't self-settle, Carla designed a program based on my expectations and needs. After a few days of putting everything into practice, baby (and I!) was able to sleep through the night, in his own bedroom, and have a great routine during the day too. I would absolutely recommend it."

Fabiana, Nico’s mom (7 months old). Auckland/NZ

“Carla has provided the guidance and tools that we needed in order to help our almost 2-year-old daughter sleep better. We believe she is not only sleeping better but getting more restful sleep as now she seems to wake up happier than she did before. We definitely recommend Night Night Sleep Consulting if you want to help improve your child’s sleep and therefore improving your own sleep as well.”

Vera, Elena’s mom (2 years old). San Diego/USA

“I am writing to say thank you for the enormous help you have given to Sarinha and me. Since I started to follow your guidelines, Sarah started to create healthier sleep habits and has gradually become independent on her sleep. Professional support makes all the difference! We all thank you for your help and attention in this very important moment of our lives.”

Evelinn, Sara’s mom (1 month old).Manaus/BR

"We had been trying to sleep train our 8-month daughter by ourselves for over a month with no success, when we came across Carla’s work. She is an amazing professional, caring, calm and was by our side checking in and empowering us parents with valuable tools during the entire process. She prepared a customised age appropriate daytime schedule for our daughter based on her needs, and carefully made adjustments as the process unfolded. In a couple of days our baby developed self-soothing skills, learned to sleep through the night (which is what we were desperate for!) and increased her daytime nap length. Our baby is a lot happier now due to her improved sleep. On top of that, our family dynamics have improved as we can now spend more quality time with our older son in the evenings after our baby has gone to bed. We would highly recommend Carla’s work as she provided lifelong sleeping skills which has benefited the entire family!"

Simone, Julia’s mom (8 months old). Melbourne/AU

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